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JLI is a core partner of a new coalition ‘Transform Health – Health for All in the Digital Age’ together with Fondation Botnar, PATH, PMNCH, Medicus Mundi, Pharmaccess and Women Deliver. This cross-sector coalition of partners is building on the existing efforts of many other organizations and coalitions to drive a series of campaigns and advocacy initiatives to promote digital technologies as a catalyst to achieve Universal Health Coverage by 2030. Achieving universal health coverage by 2030 is a further SDG commitment that is inextricably linked to achieving success in controlling the NCD epidemic in Sub-Saharan Africa.

The JLI Center for Global Health Diplomacy in Geneva is represented on the board of the coalition and is hosting the “Resource & Investment Circle” of the Coalition. It is working together with its partners to 2 • Advocate and campaign for domestic and international financial investments for digital transformation to achieve UHC by 2030.

The coalition is working closely with the Lancet/Financial Times commission on Digital Health and Artificial Intelligence: “Governing health futures 2030: Growing up in a digital world “ (, to ensure that the report and recommendations of this commission will be appropriately communicated and implemented.

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