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We seek partnerships and collaborations to accelerate human development through innovations that strengthen systems for health and health financing.

Dr Christoph Benn,
Director Global Health Diplomacy

Based in Geneva, the JLI Center for Global Health Diplomacy team focuses on developing sustainable health financing models and advocate to secure financial and political commitment from donors, governments and other parties.
Global health diplomacy uses interactions and negotiations with multiple stakeholders, including governments and civil society, multilateral agencies, private and public donors, to promote international health goals.


Health Diplomacy

Christoph Benn keynotes Debt Swaps for Health Symposium, Beijing China

“Debt Swaps for Health are an Innovative Finance Mechanism that offers huge benefits particularly in the current environment as many countries in the Global South are burdened by unsustainable debt…
Health Diplomacy

Christoph Benn gives Debt to Health (D2H) Keynote at G20 in Brasilia

“Beyond policies that reduce the transactions and agency costs, debt-climate swaps and related climate finance instruments deserve official financial support", Dr Christoph Benn, JLI Director of Center for Global Health…
Health Diplomacy

JLI launches Lancet paper at PHC Forum 2023 in Jakarta

Primary Health Care (PHC) is the foundation of health systems around the world and considered to be the key pathway towards the internationally agreed goal of Universal Health Coverage to…


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